Volume 6 Chapter 8: Lisabeth’s Lie

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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Having moved over to the reception room, Cain explained the circumstances to Seto and Lefane, who were sitting facing him.

Lisabeth changed in a different room; they decided that she would go back to her own room to change and then join them again.

Their departure was also changed to the afternoon, and Darmeshia was now making black tea for them.

“But still, Cain-sama, you’re a real piece of work. To think you’d lay your hands on Her Highness.”

“Like I said, you’re wrong… Lisabeth will explain once she comes here…”

While Seto was making light of it, Lefane had a strict expression.

There was a knock on the door, and Lisabeth entered the room, having changed clothes.

She silently sat down next to Cain.

However, she sat so close to him that their shoulders were in direct contact.

“Good morning, everyone. That was quite embarrassing earlier…”

Cain smiled bitterly at Lisabeth, who greeted them while blushing.

“So then, let’s hear it. Why were you two in the same bed…? Your Highness, you should know. The meaning of sleeping in the same bed.”

Lefane asked that question with conviction once they had all properly settled down.

“We were talking about what would happen from the next day onwards last night. Then, Lisabeth said she wanted to sleep together… then…”

“But I mean, Cain-sama, you should also be plenty aware that a boy and girl sleeping together will cause problems…?”

“About that, Lisabeth said… That for minors, sharing the same bed is not a problem… right?”

Cain turned to Lisabeth, sitting next to him, asking for her agreement.

But when he looked around at her, Lisabeth just stuck her tongue out at him and smiled smugly.

“Ehehe. I –– lied.”


That was what Lisabeth, who was usually quiet and collected, answered, blushing slightly.

Cain’s shoulders slumped, crestfallen, but Lefane’s expression was still stern.

“So then… you’re unmarried, moreover you slept with Her Highness the Imperial Princess, how are you going to take responsibility?”

Unable to answer by himself, Cain glanced at Seto, who however, perhaps feeling Lefane’s anger, simply looked downwards, not saying anything.

At that moment, Darmeshia opened his mouth, smiling.

“Lefane-sama, if you say such words to Cain-sama all of a sudden, he won’t be able to answer instantly. He is only a human noble, after all. Moreover, currently, this is an important time for Her Imperial Highness. I think giving him a little time and asking him later would be the best, if possible.”

Darmeshia knew all too well that if Lefane got angry, there would be no mercy.

She had already chased him all the way to death’s door once before.

So, he had advised to make the focus not Cain’s relationships, but the problems with the imperial capital.

And while Lefane was really strict when it came to love, she also understood that there was something extremely important going on in the demon countries.

If a war broke out, Cain would take part as a human, and be their enemy.

And Seto had already told her, that if it came to a war with the humans, the demons –– would be destroyed.

So, they should not be hostile towards Cain at all costs.

When Seto had first explained it to her, she hadn’t believed him.

If that cute boy were serious, the country would be destroyed? Thinking of it normally, it was impossible.

Having made a full revolution in her brain, Lefane sighed.

There was no use in thinking any more about it right then and there. Just as Darmeshia had said, they currently had bigger problems.

“It cannot be helped, then. Demons really are in grave danger right now. But, once this is over, we will hear your answer.”

Unopposed to that, Cain nodded obediently.

But still, he had thought of Lisabeth as dignified and collected up until then, but today she had a charm about her and was constantly smiling.

While wondering which one was the real Lisabeth, Cain listened to Seto talk about what would happen later.


“So then, let’s depart!”

Cain and the others’ carriages had left Seto’s city, and were now heading towards the imperial capital.

Originally, a dedicated carriage had been prepared for Lisabeth, and Cain was to ride in Seto’s carriage, but Lisabeth had stubbornly insisted she wanted to be in the same carriage as Cain, so Cain had no choice but to ride in her carriage instead.

As it was to be ridden by the imperial princess, the carriage was luxurious.

At first, Cain had wondered if they couldn’t use Transfer or fly through the sky, but apparently only higher-ranked demons could use transfer magic, meaning their bodyguards couldn’t. Moreover, using transfer magic was supposedly forbidden in the imperial capital.

Darmeshia was Cain and Lisabeth’s carriage’s coachman, and the carriage made its way slowly towards the imperial capital.

The demon countries, while each Demon King called them countries, were only one capital-sized city as a hub with a scattering of smaller towns around them under their management.

The imperial capital was also called a country, even while it was just a single city.

They weren’t too far off schedule-wise either, as even though they had departed in the afternoon, they would still arrive by next evening.

Moreover, it seemed like there was a town a day away, so there was no problem in regards to accommodation either.

On the way, they stayed a night in the town’s inn, but the rooms were rather more luxurious than Cain had been expecting, which was new.

Due to Seto passing through countless times, apparently they had made a few rooms luxurious.

Finishing breakfast, they left the town.

The road to the royal capital was paved with cobblestones, and the public order was relatively good too. And while there was a forest inhabited by monsters nearby, they were regularly exterminated, so they were unable to really rise up.

The carriages proceeded along without incident, and by the evening, the imperial capital had come into view.

“That, is the imperial capital.”

Sticking his face out of the carriage’s small window at Lisabeth’s words, Cain saw the white-coloured imperial capital.

It wasn’t flashy, but the cityscape was beautiful due to the uniformity in colour.

“I have high expectations of you.”

Said Lisabeth, and Cain felt that her profile was even more beautiful than usual.

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40 thoughts on “Volume 6 Chapter 8: Lisabeth’s Lie

  1. I’m not on polygamous side. But, this story is interesting to me 🤣

    I’m just curious if he did end up, with human, elf, demon, beastmen, etc. How would he 1 person one stick with many lover?

    Well, at least, he is not the one that taking girl here and there it’s the girl that wanted him.

    Also, at least he had someone that would love him as lover, partner for life.

    While us? And some that have been complaining? Well, maybe some but, maybe 90% of us are single


    1. polygamous relationship can work, but they do require way more effort because you’re managing multiple people feeling. Just like how in school they each took a different path to assist his growth one took economy side other took management. How they balance it in stories generally some sorta of role, reality is harder but easier if everyone isn’t straight. It really that forward. I do know couples are all straight each have multiple partners but it take alot self confidence and ability to empathize that who you love want more and to accept it. Most of society is not for it, but i feel main reason is most people sadly lack confidence(as society/humans). Few personal couples i know are all very strong willed and independent people, most people believe ohh im strong. If you had choose between abandon by ALL your blood ties, all your current friends, move and know not 1 person. Most people wouldn’t do it, they couldn’t stand be isolate like that. That is type or level of condience you need to be successful in poly. type relationship.

      Plus fact that most main stream religious belief don’t practice polygamy fairly is another reason why it falls apart. We put alot values on ourselves as race vs a species. Most animals have no issue with female having multiple mates, one female animal still has present itself as possible mate. We like think ohh animal take every female, they don’t. Face we label relationship into these types, is why most people have issues with anything “outside normal”. It’s downside to our own existence being unchallenged. Fact most novels with demons and humans, and human sides usually still fight and betray each other shows authors have no faith or belief we could unite 100%… that speaks that loudest i feel. We can’t even pretend to get along in fictional works, i can’t think one story eastern or western novel with other races were humans don’t back stab and try instigate racial wars despite “human” side not wanting it. Fractions within still oppose and betray racial goals and agreement for THEIR own benefit.


  2. Nos es justo, Caín es un niño que se ha ido desarrollando de forma demasiado apresurada sin prácticamente ninguna regulación y pretender que entienda el sentido común de un mundo diferente además de imponerle responsabilidades que no son acordes a su edad es injusto, además de pretender cazarlo con cualquier persona es un argumento que cansa a estas alturas de la escritura. Mejor que se case con una como Yuuuya San y revoque todos esos matrimonios arreglados que son solo molestos.


  3. Welp, with this chapter I lost hope for this series. The translator did an awesome job, and I’ll check out if you have other series, but this one, I’ll drop here. For whoever reads further, best of luck.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. At this rate I’m just losing every hole for even future 😭 maybe I should just drop this? I mean, it been 6 volumes already, so I thought author was beginning to make things right… Are you saying, all the potential this story has is just gonna be wasted?
    The existence of gods. His parents. Evil god. Him having a city. Being a demigod. His family being important. Demon country… All of these could turn into a very interesting and cool plot… Idk tbh. Well I read tbate and to me volume 7 is just something else in my heart 😂. I will wait until volume 7… If not fixed by then… I suppose there really is no hope


    1. TBATE is SSS tier my guy you can’t compare it to this it’s like comparing a waguy steak to popcorn sure there both food but there vastly different and meant to be enjoyed differently


  5. I was honestly struggling with some of the harem stuff up until now but a lot of it can be overruled with “it’s a different world!” And yes, Cain was just downright clueless. It would have taken all of ten seconds to check with someone else while she was changing pjs.

    However, this bitch outright lied and entrapped the person who saved her life, sheltered her, and safely returned her to her country. She ADMITTED that she lied in front of the other demonkin. How can any psychopath expect to build a relationship on that?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Right ? And the double standard ? Idk , i think that’s that . Also , cain already explain all that , why does he need to take the blame ?


  6. I feel like Cain would much rather prefer to live like Yuuya, free from all shackles just live like a hermit doing things you like and cuddling with Haku.

    But here we are, whipped by his fiancees, ordered around by the king, constantly apologizing for things he had no fault in, constantly seeking approval, constantly being on edge for thinking ‘differently than the norm’, given territory and responsibilities so he loses more of his freetime and now even being the first idiot to ask in order to solve nationwide and foreign nationwide problems.


  7. Dropping this! The author was really trying hard to make the MC more stupid. The whole story was basically the mc do this and have to explain to the fiancée or to King etc.


  8. Thanks for the chapter, I appreciate all of the work you do to bring this to the peoples!

    I’m surprised at everyone’s general response I dislike the constant never go anywhere harems, as I said in the previous or so chapter, it would have been better if they had actually slept together as at least it would have been something different.

    But her response to everything was actually pretty good, I liked it, and it really wasn’t mc being stupid is was more that he’s gullible in this aspect, and even the saints was decent. What I dont like are silk and tele thrown onto him and how it was. That was stupid, story wise that was complete garbage , and this story is pretty good if pretty sloppy in areas like that, I need the editor to be a bit better with the author because the premise is already loose with tons of things thrown in for really no reason like a status bar, ( what are stats even for the ?) ranks kinda because there are too many different categories that don’t have equivalency, and although it seems the author finally understood that going to school for no reason was annoying dumb, Cain keep being written into decisions like I need to ask the king for permission, or lectures from various people, things being blamed on him I’m which he really had no fault but anyway ……. Hope it gets fleshed out and patched

    Liked by 3 people

  9. This kind of sh*t with the sleeping entrapment is what I hate about this novel. That and the MC’s naivety. Such a cheap and lazy way to develop a harem. I swear one more stupid lazy writing and I’m dropping this dog pile.


  10. Hah, I don’t know whats more funny, the stupid setting the author wrote, or the self insert a bunch of “Edgy” readers make thinking Cain should just up and kill people or get angry or whatever, when he’s obviously got attraction towards the new harem member.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for the chapter!!!

    I really liked Lisbeth, i liked her the most out of all the girls…I honestly feel backstabbed. and Cain you’ve reached another level of being a pushover. SETO’S WIFE BETTER STAY OUT OF IT honestly don’t need more people to make matters worse.


  12. If this goes through im gonna drop this, One the level of stupidity involved in Cain falling for this since its literally happened before is beyond my capacity to understand. Two the fact that Cain hasn’t bitch slapped Lisabeth for this stunt is also beyond my reasoning. Three Cain has achieved a new stage of being a push over when he is taking orders from his SUBORDINATES wife that he can DELETE from existence with so much as a thought

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you perfer stories like that, i suggest you give “legend” a go, dude the kid who often gets underestimated, also an isekai. He takes no nonsense, he will even bitch slap a noble if it annoys him.

      One of my favorites is wensum adventurers see the child and decide “welcome” him, the end up naked in the street with all of their possessions stripped. His reasoning being that they were mere Goblins and he was simply taking loot drops

      You will know you’ve got the right one if he has a Griffin as a pet and has a sythe as his main weapon

      Liked by 3 people

  13. And that’s it.. it was sealed just like with Teles and Silk.. Our stupid MC still don’t realize that the culture from his previous life is very much not applicable in this world especially when it comes to relations to noble women..

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I swear, if Cain is forced to have any more fiancées because of his own stupidity just one more time, I’m definitely going to rant for 30+ lines… This has finally reached the limit of what I can withstand…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. If you perfer stories like that, i suggest you give “legend” a go, dude the kid who often gets underestimated, also an isekai. He takes no nonsense, he will even bitch slap a noble if it annoys him.

      One of my favorites is wensum adventurers see the child and decide “welcome” him, the end up naked in the street with all of their possessions stripped. His reasoning being that they were mere Goblins and he was simply taking loot drops

      You will know you’ve got the right one if he has a Griffin as a pet and has a sythe as his main weapon


  15. Wow, I wonder why I didn’t felt any surprise reading this chapter… I wasn’t surprised when Cain didn’t got angry or felt any sort of duped feeling when he got tricked by lisabeth. Tbh, I really felt good reading this chapter, because Cain is so dumb to get mesmerised by her profile even after all that. Anyway, thanks for the chapter.


  16. Thank you for the chapter.

    I don’t know why, but these scenes always piss me off. Of course the girl, in a feudal society, is going to try and attach herself to a strong (influence, personal power, military might, etc.) individual. Just like boys would attach themselves to strong women in a matriarchal society. What makes me angry is the reincarnated, adult-aged MC is written to be so f*cking stupid that they fall for honey traps left and right.

    Yeah, Cain is still a minor, but only if we take into consideration this life. He’s been alive for around 30 years at this point. He’s had a young life in Japan, where he was a normal Japanese kid, and then he received Nobles’ training for his next 10+ years. Especially after his screw up with Telestia and Silk, I guarantee his father, or Telestia’s Father, or Silk’s Father, would have made sure he learned what he shouldn’t do anymore.

    I don’t know about you, but with the amount of times he’s been yelled at for not clearing his actions with others, or for doing things literally every other person knows not to do, you’d think he’d go, “Hey Seto! Is it considered okay for minors to sleep on the same bed in Demon Countries?” Don’t try to say that someone’s asleep, or someone wouldn’t be able to respond. At the bare minimum, Darmeshia wouldn’t have been asleep before everyone else had gone to bed, what with being the Butler Supreme.

    Rant over. Sorry.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. He said he didn’t have feelings for her. Does he have feelings for any of the other 3 (5) at this point? Nope. He was tricked into every single one. What she did was no different at all to what Silk and Telestia did. In fact, it was exactly the same and yet he fell for it again. So the MC is borderline retard.
      Also, here’s the thing about being 30. He’s really been 15 twice. He’s never been an adult. Never had the responsibilities of an adult. So he’s basically had a manchild mentality reinforced on him over the years and rewarded for it.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. That one was more like being manhandled through the gods instead of tricked though. Still doesn’t change that it wasn’t his will.

          Liked by 2 people

      1. He does have feelings for the other fiancees. He didn’t prior, but did after the arrangements were made. Kind of like what’s going on here. It seems he’s just submissive to women, which is his own business. The only reason for anyone to get mad about that is if they’re trying to self-insert themselves as Cain, trying to think of themselves as this rich all-powerful divine shota lord.


    2. It’s even worse when you consider the difference from stat point to stat point. How much even a few points’ worth of a difference makes.

      And his intelligence stat should be so high it can’t even be understood. Yet he is still portrayed as an incredibly naive and weak child, who is both stupid and incapable of logical deduction – as well as physically weak and vulnerable unless he uses body reinforcement magic.

      Author is shit, and only has two plots going: Evil god and Cain’s harem. If he speeds through Evil God plot then he’s got nothing left, so he’s just constantly throwing little girls at this 35 year old man.


    3. Yes he may be older in real life but wasnt he a neet? I mean u take a 30 yr virgin and add 14 more years of being a virgin isnt going to all of a sudden make u an expert dealing with women….


      1. Actually, it’s a 17-18 year old virgin, then reincarnated as a now 14 year old virgin, he wasn’t even considered an adult in our worlf


  17. I am not happy with Lisbeth basically entrapping him into this situation and everyone going along with her stupidity. With Teles and Silk they went through a similar situation but they believed he understood the implications and accepted their feelings so they actually thought it was mutual and he just didn’t know. Here Lisbeth knew that he was not ok with it and basically lied to his face to force his hand and taking advantage of his kind nature to know he won’t reject her now.


    1. I also really hope they aren’t going to have us believe that he is going to be forced to accept it because he is scared of his own servant’s wife when he could basically blink her out of existence in a moment if she pissed him off. It’s one thing if he can’t handle his own wives but now he is being a doormat to other people’s wives?


  18. Thank you for the chapter. Seriously it’s about time Cain learned to stand up for himself. He lets people walk all over him and just get away with it. He could at least get angry about being lied to instead of acting like he’s at fault or like he did something wrong.


  19. hopefully it goes smoothly..
    persuading the demon kings..

    they can accuse cain using mind magic
    to make lisbeth listen to him or something
    as a “just” cause atm..

    thank you for the chapters~
    stay safe and healthy everyone!


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