Volume 5 Chapter 11: Dodgy Dealings

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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Collapsing onto the ground, Ralph didn’t move at all.

“…So then, in this case…?”

Cain asked, taking a sip of his black tea, then placed the cup on the table.

“The minimum would be Malph-dono resigning. And then, an apology and reparation money to you, Cain… no, Sir Silford, and the whole Kingdom of Esfort. Well, the outcome ultimately comes down to what the parliament in Tanbaal decides. Our country would never try starting a war with the Kingdom. So, I think it’ll probably be reparation money. And quite the fair sum too, I expect…”

Fort explained instead of Malph, who was trembling so much he couldn’t speak.

“…Is that so. I don’t want a war between our countries either. So I’d be fine with those conditions.”

“That really helps.”

Cain and Fort nodded at each other, having come to an understanding.

Then, Malph prostrated himself next to the collapsed Ralph, his head on the floor.

“Sir Silford. About this… I’m terribly sorry! Hey! You lower your head too!”

Malph tried to hold Ralph’s head down on the floor.

“…Sir Silford… I’m terribly sorry… about… what happened…”

As the two of them lowered their heads, Cain looked at Fort.

“I’m terribly sorry, but could you just accept the apology for now… I think it’ll take a while for parliament to sort things out…”

“All right. I accept your apologies. Fort-san, can I leave the rest to you?”

“Yes, let me handle this. Although I have no idea what to say to Eden-dono…”

“Oh, you know Eden-san…?”

“Yes, of course. Eden-dono used to be this city’s guild master’s superior as well. Oh, you’re the Silford Family’s prodigy, so then Eden-dono’s younger sister, the commander of the royal knights is also your fiancée…”

“So you… also knew that.”

“It’s because information is vital to the guild.”

The two of them nodded at each other again, and after Fort said ‘Please leave the rest to me’, Cain left the guild and returned to the inn.

When he arrived back at the inn, he found Telestia, Silk, and Liltana waiting for him, worried about him having been called to the guild.

“Ah, Cain-sama. Was everything all right!? You just left all of a sudden. We asked the teachers but they said they didn’t know anything either.”

“I was wondering if you had done something again, Cain-kun…”

“What, no, we’re in a foreign country and all… everything’s fine.”

Cain had intended on staying silent, but had then noticed the trio’s expressions, which were obviously saying ‘He definitely did something.’

“Cain-sama, we’ll listen to your story inside. Cain-sama, you’re sharing a room, so it’ll have to be in one of ours.”

“That’s right, Cain-kun. We’ll know immediately if you try to deceive us, you know?”

Telestia and Silk grabbing one of his hands each, Cain was taken off into their room.


Having returned to his mansion, Malph was furious. He kicked his chair, sending it flying, and also threw his glass at the wall.

“What the hell is wrong with you! Just throwing away all the hard work and cooperation we’ve built up so easily!! Ralph, this is all your fault! You’re under house arrest! Get him out of here!”

At Malph’s words, the two bodyguards grabbed Ralph’s arms and left the room.

Now alone, Malph started thinking. How he could get out of the situation; how he could stay as MP.

At that moment, one of his servants knocked on the door and entered the room.

“Why did you come in! No-one gave you permission!”

The servant opened their mouth, even while intimidated by the angry Malph.

“Well, it’s ––there’s a messenger here from Marquis Corgino of the Kingdom of Esfort…”

“The Kingdom of Esfort!? Moreover… Marquis Corgino. This––”

His anger from earlier evaporating, Malph now had a grin on his face.

Malph had a deep connection with Marquis Corgino. Although the inflow of goods had stopped recently, Malph was the one who permitted Marquis Corgino’s human trafficking to enter the country.

The kidnapped people were made into crime slaves, moved into the Republic of Ilstin, where Malph would then receive part of the payment for pulling strings behind the scenes.

Now that he himself was in danger, he could just tell Marquis Corgino about everything that had happened…

Malph’s brain went into high gear, using all his wisdom to try and get out of the situation.

“So, the messenger…?”

“I showed them into the reception room.”

“Alright, I’ll meet them immediately. Lead the way.”

“Understood. This way.”

Malph entered the reception room with his servant.

The messenger was a young man, still in his twenties.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting. Various things have happened. So, messenger-dono, what business do you have with me today?”

“I’m terribly sorry to ask this of you so suddenly, but I have something that needs doing. You see––”

The messenger glanced at the servant. Having understood what that meant, Malph told the servant to leave the room.

“Well then, please excuse me.”

The door closed, and the two were left alone in the room.

“Thank you for your consideration. I am Marquis Corgino’s servant, Rigan. So, the reason I came here was––”

Malph smiled more and more as Rigan’s story continued. The reparation fee would cost a lot, but there was a chance for him to recover from it now.

“I’ll make the arrangements on my end immediately. See, actually, I also have some problems… so, if it works, I think I’ll be able to stay in my position.”

“Well well. We’re playing a dangerous game here as well, so we intend to do everything we can for it to succeed. So, let’s work out the details, shall we––”

Their planning lasted for quite a while. No servants were allowed in the room at all, so that Malph even had to get his own drinks.

The meeting lasted for two hours, but by the time they had finished, while Malph was exhausted, he had a satisfied smile on his face.

“Well then, Rigan-dono, I’ll be counting on you. I’ll immediately start making arrangements tomorrow as well.”

“Yes, we will not fail either. With this, I expect that thorn in marquis Corgino’s side to disappear––”

The two of them grinned at each other, then shook hands firmly.

“So then, Rigan-dono, I’m counting on you.”

“Yes, we are counting on you too.”

Rigan bowed, then left the mansion.

Now alone in the room, Malph smirked to himself, pouring himself a new glass of wine in high spirits.

“If this goes well, my position will remain as it is. And, even if it doesn’t work, I’ll still have more money than I can spend…”

Sitting on the sofa, he sipped his wine with a huge smile on his face.

He imagined the plan going well.

However, the two of them1, no, Marquis Corgino and Viscount Baldo as well, didn’t know.

They had only recognised Cain as a normal-level adventurer. That even if he was S-Rank, he was still in the realm of humanity.

The only ones who did know were just a few people in the Kingdom of Esfort, including the king of Esfort.

In a place unknown to Cain, the countdown towards their demise had begun.

1I’m like, 90% sure this means ‘Malph and Rigan’

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43 thoughts on “Volume 5 Chapter 11: Dodgy Dealings

  1. Next chapter.

    Ralph and co about to die.

    *record scratch*

    “You’re probably wondering how I got in this situation.”


  2. Si esse malph tiver aceitado algum plano de matar cain ou algo assim ele de ser um tolo kkk ele achar que é so matar o cain e vão esquecer a tentativa de assasinato dos aventureiros rank c?suponhamos que de algum jeito eles matrm cain e depois qual o plano?não seria obvio que foi ele que encomendou a morte kkk afinal tipo 1 dia antes o filho dele tentou matar cain mds que estupidez eu me pergunto como essas pessoas chegam em ppsiçoes tão altas e não conseguem ver o obvio parece até que são criança ele ja sabe que cain é um rank S ele acha que da pra matar um rank S como si não fosse nada?ja foi dito qur os rank S tem a força de um dragão e aqueles que estam nesse rank podem ser contados nos dedos da mão de alguem entao o plano é o que?contratar uns rank S pra matar cain?e eu não entendo como matar cain deixaria alguem rico…matar um nobre de alto escalao de outro pais so resultaria em uma coisa “guerra” pra min esse malph ja deve tar é louco sabendo que a familia dele ja ta destruida despois do que o filho fez então ele nem liga pra mais nada kkk essa e a unica explicaçao p
    ausivel para min.


  3. With the last sentence i am convinced even the author sees 0% of Cain being in danger, the most being a small nuisance. It’s like an animal documenttion on national television.

    They describe their nature and behavior, and they do as their instincts are told, and reap what should be plausible. It’s like Team Rocket, they hatch their plans and we already know it will fail hard.


  4. Jajaja estas personas no saben que solo están caminando a su desesperación no más bien hacia su destrucción buajajajaja…


  5. This people are not learning anything. They really thought they can beat Cain hahaha
    Wait until they see Cain status 🤣


    1. Because there stupidity and recklessness plus the serving of trying ti end cain and his fiances
      what else trying to kill the nicest and strongest mc


        1. I don’t understand while his fiancees always blame Cain? If he not fight back he will die. I read before, after chapter they still blame him while their life saved by Cain many time. The King too. I don’t know how dumb author want they be


  6. ♡Thanks for the Chapter!♡
    ‘In a place unknown to Cain, the countdown towards their demise had begun.’ Interesting…. Hahahahaha! HA! NO ESCAPING =)


    1. Me. I have already read some of the spoilers but could you tell me who are the 3 heroes or are they evil.
      U can spoil me anything u want

      Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s a small world when every villain is connected. Against Cain, they’re unknowingly throwing their lives away. They must know the hard way about bullying the dragon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The author doesn’t want to fabricate a better bad guy, which is really too bad. Marquis Corgino is incompetent. He has been at odds with Cain for 8 years now, and he still doesn’t have good intelligence on Cain. Corgino should absolutely be 90% aware of what happened in Cain’s fiefdom. That should include how Cain is absolutely abnormal in magical power.

      Corgino should also be aware of the massive amount of dragon corpses Cain sold to the Kingdom. Corgino should have at least a few knights in the order who would be willing to gossip to him freely, since he is suppose to be an influential individual that deals in foreign politics and is good at that job. Being able to gather intelligence in the Palace should be second nature to every minister in a court.

      Corgino should also have a clue that Cain doesn’t have some sort of massive intelligence network but somehow managed to track his kidnapped acquaintance in a matter of hours and utterly destroyed both his slave trading business and the Dark Guild in a matter of hours. He should also be aware that Cain is strangely naïve for someone that is capable of that, which indicates Cain isn’t use to dealing with those sorts of people. Which indicates that Cain used magic to accomplish everything, like he uses magic to accomplish everything else. Including splitting his mansion in half.

      Corgino not only seems absolutely idiotic for being Cain’s enemy, his type of character actually seems like the type that should be sucking up to Cain because he realizes that Cain is powerful, wealthy, and favored by the King and other senior nobles Corgino can’t afford to piss off.

      Corgino as a character is just badly written. A smarter ‘opponent’ would be preferable. Corgino is just a clown performing a role that doesn’t suit him.


      1. I think I can summarize a counter argument as this: He’s a child, a strangely powerful and annoying child, but still a child with limited experience of the darker side of humanity.
        As long as the noble Corgi continues to believe that characterization, it is reasonable for him to continue his scheming. Nobles at his level keep going til they’re dead or the other side is dust, that’s how they got their power base in the first place. Like a small yappy dog, he can’t imagine that his opponent is so far beyond him in power and connections, he treats reports about Cain as exaggerated because he can’t conceive letting any less of a report circulate.

        The opponents appear stupid and pitiful because they’re the only ones not aware that Cain isn’t on their level, never really was. Cain doesn’t even consider them threats, since we know what he does to threats.


        1. Corgino is a high noble, and he knows he is facing a high noble. Even if Cain is a boy, Cain is backed by the King, his Marquise family, and two Dukes thanks to his fiancés. Anything Corgino does could potentially set all of them to hostile. Going against Cain could ruin Corgino if he gets implicated. He doesn’t even need to be caught. The King already proved this twice by allowing Corgino to fall into financial difficulties.

          What does Corgino gain by opposing Cain? Revenge. As in he won’t gain any profit if his schemes work. He won’t gain back peasants. He won’t gain secrets. He won’t gain financially. He won’t gain in any sense other than personal satisfaction. And taking Cain on requires Corgino to expend more resources. He might lose his forign contact here, plus the money used in bribes and hiring mussel.

          Summery: Looking at the situation independently of what Cain himself can do, antagonizing him is idiotic. Even if Cain can’t fight back at all and only has his political connections, taking him on is high risk with no reward. Corgino is an idiot.

          Most similar NPCs would of tried to get on Cain’s good side once they realized he is connected to their superior. Especially considering that Corgino wants the special goods that Cain is directly responsible for. It is a lot easier to steal secrets from a friend than someone that is on guard to you. Sucking up to Cain and then asking for favors is a safer and more sure way to get what Corgino wants. That is how nobles do things.


          1. Again, you’re overlooking the obvious: Corgi can’t get out of the trap of thinking about Cain as a child, simply because he *is* a child, superficially. Your logic is perfectly sound if you treat Cain as an adult, but in the eyes of most people in-universe he appears to be a “strange” pre-teen.

            He’s got high status, but it’s being used by an inexperienced child.
            He’s got backing, but it’s the word of a child against those of adults.
            There’s no real profit for beating him, but it’s as if his presence is ruining everything, though it’s not like Cain could be scheming that much because he’s still a child.

            Just about any sensible flaw in Corgi’s actions becomes more reasonable when considered as the actions of an adult against a 10-12 year old head of household. If nothing else, Corgi’s repeated losses at the hands of a small child would likely result in him feeling pretty humiliated and wanting to remove the source of that humiliation.

            The argument about not antagonising the King is reasonable, but Corgi believes he’s untraceable and even if caught he’d be untouchable. It’s not an unfair belief either, the reason he got away with the kidnap case is because he did a scorched earth move on any possible leads. We’ve seen how he always acts through third parties, leaves little evidence, and won’t hesitate to throw people under the bus when they fail him.
            Meanwhile, people on Cain’s side have to act nominally within the law, even the King… that always puts them at a disadvantage.


  8. “In a place unknown to Cain, the countdown towards their demise had begun.”

    finally! its time boys!

    thank you for the translations~
    stay safe and healthy everyone!


  9. For someone with power in Esfort, Corgino is really dumb… He keep on losing in terms of gathering intels…


    1. You can’t blame him, considering that if someone learned about this and was caught, they would be executed. Other than the six or seven top-rank people, no one else knows, and none of said few people want to die by divulging it, while there’s pretty much no way for anybody to force them without making everyone aware.

      In other words, there’s basically no way to learn about Cain being beyond the scope of humanity, except to put him to the trial by throwing something beyond humanity at him. Even then, the outcome is probably going to be the persons one-way-ticket to the gallows, with no chance to speak.


      1. The thing I hate most about this is how little his stats matter. With all of his stats being off the scale a simple punch should demolish a mountain. His brain should be so highly-tuned he can practically divine the future, and know instantly the best option just as things start to happen. His defense is so high nothing should be able to even scratch his skin.

        Yet for some reason it seems like he’s more or less normal unless he’s putting effort into running magic through his body, and he’s always kinda slow in the head.


        1. Well its better this way.
          Don’t you think that if he is able to figure out everything then there will be nothing exiting left.


          1. Then his stats shouldn’t be so crazy. You can have a dumb character. They do dumb things, you never describe them as anything other than dumb. It’s fine, right?

            But then you have a character you say is the world’s smartest man, show proof that he is. Then 99% of the time he’s a huge dumb baby. Wouldn’t that annoy you any?


  10. Thanks for the uploads as always!

    Also fuckin A the ones who commented before i did, just how sharp are your noses to sniff out a new chapter that fast!?


      1. I belong to the refreshers: in my country chapters come out around noon, so I start refreshing every few minutes from 11:50 am until the chapter comes out 😉


  11. If I remember correctly rank SS adventurer exist, but the only SSS rank was the founder of the Esfort Kingdom… If only they knew even SSS rank monsters can be oneshotted by Cain’s elementary magic 😀
    I can’t wait to see what Corgino’s final struggle will be about, what will be used to (of course unsuccesfully) attempt at Cain’s life 😀

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