Volume 6 Chapter 6: Lisabeth’s Proposal

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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The party that had observed all that boarded their carriages and went back to the castle.

The demons lined up in the audience room, Seto sat down on his throne, and Cain and Lisabeth sat down on either side of him.

“–––– So, is there anyone who opposes this?”

Seto’s words echoed through the hall.

However, no words of opposition came.

With that overwhelming amount of magical power, Cain sitting there next to Seto could destroy the whole country if he were serious about it. Anyone could understand that.

There was no way they could oppose the will of Seto, who was friends with Cain.

“If there are none whose views differ, I will remain against war with the humans. We have Her Highness Lisabeth on our side. Cain-dono as well.”

The nobles present all bowed their heads together at Seto’s words.

“Your Highness Lisabeth, this country is in unanimous support of Your Highness.”

“Seto-dono, I am grateful for your agreement. Well, if… you betray me, the whole territory you govern will become –– like that small island.”

The nobles among the attendees who possessed territories all started trembling at the words Lisabeth had said, smiling at them.

Actually, some of them had been working with foreign nobles, and others had been working with the pro-war faction.

However, thinking of what would happen if the cities they themselves governed were attacked by Seto’s cooperator, Cain, none of them spoke.

His magic had had just that much of an impact.

Actually, Cain was quite satisfied at having been able to use Emperor-Rank magic.

(I really didn’t think it would be that powerful… Normally, something like that would destroy a city… What was Yuuya-san thinking…)

“Then, I hereby adjourn this audience. If the key ministers could remain here to discuss things.”

Seto and the other two left at those words from the chancellor who had been the one moderating the occasion, and the nobles who had been there also left the castle.

However, none of them were able to forget the unbelievable spectacle that had occurred right before them, and the topic was not brought up again.

‘The friend of the Demon King Seto wouldn’t lose even if all the demon countries went against him.’

The nobles returned back to their homes, quite disquieted that Lisabeth’s words had turned out to be true.


The atmosphere inside the conference room was heavy.

Ignoring Seto, who was in a good mood, the key ministers had no complaints to make now that they had seen Cain’s power.

They would be declaring themselves as the anti-war faction.

It would be announced the next day, simultaneously with which Seto, Lisabeth, and Cain would be going to the Empire.

Once the meeting was over, the key ministers left immediately to get ready for the announcement, leaving just the three of them in the room.

“Thank you, Seto. It would be nice if the war just disappeared with this, but…”

“However, the anti-war faction is still few in numbers. And if the Empire doesn’t take back their intention of war, there’s really no point to it either…”

Actually, even if Seto’s country publicly opposed it, it would only lead to an altercation with the Empire.

The pro-war faction had a lot of members, so it was also possible that they would be crushed due to their differing opinion.

However, Seto thought that with Lisabeth on their side, they wouldn’t lose.

That’s just how popular Lisabeth was among the demon countries.

That was exactly why war seemed to be on the horizon when rumours of her having been made a slave started making the rounds.

“It would be prudent to destroy some of the pro-war faction’s cities. Or you could crush the Empire’s castle, if you want.”

Said Lisabeth with a smile, but Cain had no intention of carrying out mass murder.

Perhaps if they were monsters, but his opponents were demons, capable of conversation. Moreover, the majority of casualties would have nothing to do with the war if he did so.

There was no point in trying to avoid the war if he committed mass murder.

“Lisabeth, that was way out of line.”

*pout* “Then, only crushing big brother would be fine.”

Cain and Seto smiled bitterly at her strong opinions.

What Lisabeth was saying was that he should crush the crown prince, who would be the next emperor.

“First, we’ll go to the imperial capital tomorrow. Cain-sama, I hope that is all right.”

Seto lowered his head. When others were around, they spoke as if they were friends, but as it was only the three of them there, Seto had distinctly separated servant and master, making Cain wave his hand frantically, telling him to raise his head.

“I don’t want it to become a war, so of course I’ll help you out. The king’s counting on me too, after all.”

Once the meeting was over and Cain was resting in his guest room, there came a knock on his door.

When he gave permission, the one who entered the room turned out to be Lisabeth.

“Sorry I’m here at this late hour. I was wondering if we could talk?”

“Ah, it’s still too early to sleep, so it’s not a problem.”

Getting up off his bed, Cain sat down on the sofa, and Lisabeth sat down facing him.

“So… you wanted to talk…?”

“That’s, well, it’s… I am –––– aiming to be the Empire’s next empress. My stupid brother wants to live a life of leisure, but there’s no way that will happen. So then…”

Looking slightly downwards, Lisabeth’s face gradually became redder.

Putting her fingertips together, she looked up again as if she wanted to say something, looking at Cain.

“Hmm? What’s up, Lisabeth…?”

Cain asked, tilting his head, at which Lisabeth’s face became even redder as she stared straight into Cain’s eyes.

Her eyes had quite the power, and Cain was mesmerised as if being sucked into them.

“If I ever become empress… to build bridges with the humans––––”

Lisabeth stopped speaking there, her fists tightly gripped on top of her knees.

“–– I want you to marry me!”

Cain became speechless at those shocking words.

TN: what a surprise

also, here’s what Lisabeth looks like from the cover of Volume 6 of the LN (and Cain) (and Seto)

Artist: 藻

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56 thoughts on “Volume 6 Chapter 6: Lisabeth’s Proposal

  1. *shocked pikachu face*

    I honestly envisioned Lisabeth as more of a mature woman. Didn’t expect her to look like a teen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is the exact opposite image of Lisabeth I had in my head. I thought she was a lot more mature looking, something closer to Tifana, not his other fiances. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given the japan factor, but I don’t remember ever seeing any mention about her appearing to be around the same age group as Cain. In fact, I feel like she was described as being a mature beauty that mesmerized his eyes. Replacing this image with the one i had in my head, especially during the castle scenes, I can see why his fiances were worried now, it also makes her walking into rooms without permission less domineering and more cutesy/pushy. Also, what kind of country pits an S ranked muscle dude against a depowered child, demon or not. That country deserves to be destroyed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. [Lisabeth stopped speaking there, her fists tightly gripped on top of her knees.

    “–– I want you to marry me!”]

    at that moment, Teles and Silk felt a disturbance in the force….

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Jajaja y con esto se agrega la 5ta miembro del Harem de Caín ya hora no solo será una princesa ba a ser la Emperatriz de un imperio jajaja caín si que se va a lo grande


  5. That’s it.. 5th one was confirmed… Liltana is pushed back for 6th… we still have 4 rooms left… If Teles and Silk still don’t put a stricter grip on Cain it will definitely reach 10 girls…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. well with the current 3 then Liltana and lis and the saint that makes 6, palma i thin her name was had a running for potentially 7th but might just be friendship. there was also still the 2 adventurer girls that may or may not still be in the running so potentially 8/9 there. so Teles and Silk need to hurry up or Cain is going to be building even more rooms at this rate. i think the only way to stop him is to just not let him go anywhere near anything remotely female. wonder if the evil god will somehow…. somehow…. become female and end up as his wife….. i could see it at this rate.

      Liked by 5 people

  6. “uh oh! why didnt you just take the crown already”
    – the king

    thank you for the chapters~
    stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. He better have the foresight to prevent future conflict cause being a descendant of a demigod could bring into theirr head the silly idea that they have the claim to rule the whole world.


  8. So they made 10 rooms for his wives in his castle…
    They’re gonna need bunk beds… Probably a couple sets to a room.
    We still have Imperial Princess, Beast Girl (probably princess) maid that they never mention anything about ever again after implying her status was special.. Girl from japan who will eventually show up and we all know it. Saintess, Merchant beast girl… Once she grows up Inn beast girl… There might as well be a dragon girl at some point… Hell, might as well be an angel girl too..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dragon girl us already covered. Do you remember his contracted beasts? The FEMALE dragons are Dragon Gods humanoid in form. inthink once she learns the trick shewill be needing a bed as well.

      Liked by 2 people

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