Volume 6 Chapter 11: Demon King Talks

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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In a conference room inside the castle, with the crown prince, Logsia in the middle, Lisabeth and four Demon Kings were sitting around a table.

Ignis, who governed the eastern country.

Agus, who governed the western country.

Denis, who governed the northern country.

And Seto, who governed the southern country.

The imperial family and the four Demon Kings played a central role in deciding the policies on important matters.

“Is His Majesty the Demon Emperor still…?”

When Agus, one of the Demon Kings, asked Logsia that question, Logsia shook his head.

“No, even with healing magic cast on him, His Majesty shows no signs of improving. He is currently asleep.”

The highest authority was the Demon Emperor, Logsia and Lisabeth’s father, but a little earlier, he had become ill, and he was now in a coma. Due to that, Logsia, the crown prince, had been at the country’s helm instead.

Even with recovery magic cast on him, he had shown no signs of improving, and had eventually drifted off into this helpless state.

Logsia had been gathering information, but there was still no solution in sight.

“On a different note, the reason I gathered you all here was –– about the declaration of war on the humans. As you can see, Lisa has returned, so now––”

“Don’t tell me, are you saying you intend to cancel it at this late hour!?”

Standing up, Denis hit the table.

Denis had a warlike personality through and through, and thus didn’t like his current environment where he had to rule peacefully as Demon King, where disputes were few and far between. Originally, he had become Demon King through his own strength, but now that he was a Demon King, he didn’t fight as much.

While he promoted hunting monsters, he really did like fights the best.

“I oppose the war. I will not send out troops no matter what.”

Seto crossed his arms in a bad mood, showing his opposition.

“I’m fine with either. There’s nothing we gain from attacking a different continent.”

“I’m of the same opinion. Her Highness Lisabeth has returned as well. But if Your Highness says to attack, I will obey…”

Ignis and Agus declared their neutrality.

Then, Lisabeth, who had been listening in silence, also opened her mouth.

“Firstly, I apologise to everyone for causing you trouble. I’m sorry. While various things did happen in that human city, I bear no resentment any more. If you plan on starting a war due to what happened, please stop. Because if you go to war –– well, you will lose.”

However, Denis became angry at her saying ‘you will lose’ when they hadn’t even fought.

He had become Demon King through his own strength, so his pride could not forgive this.

“Your Highness, what do you think? I heard that Her Highness Lisabeth was captured by the humans, and even her very life was in danger. Yet she’s saying we shouldn’t retaliate against the humans!?”

“…Regarding that, at first I also thought there was a need for retaliation. However, a messenger from the humans came together with Lisa. Having talked to that person, who protected Lisa, I was thinking we might not retaliate after all.”

Logsia answered indifferently, his arms crossed. However, even though they were the words of the crown prince, Denis remained unconvinced.

“So, you’re saying that human would win if he fought against us!? And Your Highness Lisabeth too! Then let me meet that human. Then I’ll decide on my answer.”

Logsia glanced at Lisabeth, who silently nodded.

“…All right. Let us meet him. Lisa, could you please go call Cain in?”

“Yes. I’ll go call him right away.”

Lisabeth stood up and left the conference room.

The room, now without Lisabeth in it, fell silent, nobody exchanging words.

However, that silence was immediately broken.

“Your Highness, depending on that human, I might join the pro-war faction.”

Murmured Ignis, who had been neutral up until then.

“Ignis-dono, why are you saying that only now?”

“The possibility stands of both Your Highness and Her Highness Lisabeth being deceived by that human. Seto-dono, who opposes the war as well, of course.”

“Oho, so you think so too, Ignis-dono!? Then if we just get rid of that human… huh!?”

Simultaneously with Denis’ words, the conference room was filled with killing intent.

It came from Seto, who, while sitting, was nearly piercing Denis with his sharp gaze.

“––Denis-dono, what, did, you, just, say…? Did you say to get rid of Cain-dono…?”

However, Denis, just like Seto, was one of the Demon Kings. He would not back down just from being hit by killing intent.

While the two of them were glaring at each other, there came a knock on the door, to which Seto let his killing intent disperse.

When Logsia gave permission to enter, the door slowly opened, and Lisabeth and Cain entered the room.

Cain had also felt Seto’s killing intent earlier, and sensed that there was a serious situation going on.

However, not letting that show on his face, he sat down in the chair Lisabeth gestured him to.

“First, introductions. Cain-dono, who came here as a messenger from the humans.”

At Logsia’s introduction, Cain stood up, bowed lightly, and greeted them.

“I have come here from the human country of the Kingdom of Esfort, and I am Cain von Silford Drintor. I serve as a margrave in the kingdom. Firstly, I am grateful for having been invited here.”

Finishing greeting them, Cain sat down, but all the Demon Kings apart from Seto were taken aback.

It was only natural, as the representative of the humans had turned out to be a child.

While they only had some knowledge of humans, they knew that if he held the position of margrave, he was a noble, but they still had doubts about whether a child should be the humans’ representative.

The three of them assumed that his parents had died early and that he had inherited their titles at a young age.

Actually, Cain had become margrave due to his strength and the king and the country’s upper echelons’ expectations from him, but there was no way the three of them would know that.

“–– Then, I would like to resume talks about the war with the humans. Everyone is still divided between the pro-war and anti-war factions, and I can’t decide myself either. Cain-dono, what is your opinion?”

Cain stood up at Logsia’s words.

“First of all, on behalf of the humans, I would like to apologise for the incorrect treatment of Her Highness Lisabeth.”

It hadn’t been the Kingdom of Esfort that had made Lisabeth into a slave, but while Cain was the representative of the Kingdom of Esfort, he was also the representative of all human countries. And, as he was the representative of all humans, Cain thought it was necessary to apologise.

Then, Cain continued speaking.

“However, I do not think this is something humans and demons should fight over. If a war broke out, we would inflict casualties on each other, and it would be a burden on the citizens as well. I doubt Your Highness wished for that either. Her Highness Lisabeth most certainly doesn’t.”

“Yes, I have no wish for war. I would just like to relax in Cain’s castle. If a war broke out, I wouldn’t be able to eat delicious things.”

Lisabeth added her own words after Cain. Seto was also nodding calmly, showing his agreement, his sharp gaze from earlier having disappeared into thin air.

However, the Demon Kings weren’t as easy as to be convinced by those words.

They had gained their countries due to their strength.

“You may say that, but we also have our pride. We won’t simply say ‘All right, is that so’ and back down.”

“Are you saying you’re fine with your country being destroyed…?”

Seto countered Denis’ words.

The nobles of the country Seto governed had witnessed Cain’s true power, and had unanimously decided to belong to the anti-war faction.

However, the only ones who knew Cain’s true power in the conference room were Seto and Lisabeth. Denis, from the pro-war faction, would not back down so easily.

“Why are you saying my country will be destroyed!? Seto-dono, depending on what you say next, I will not hesitate to take up arms against your country!”

“Well… the instant one becomes hostile towards Cain-dono, their defeat is guaranteed.”

Seto answered, grinning. However, perhaps as his attitude had not been to Denis’ liking at all, he stood up energetically.

“I-I can’t be humiliated like this! You say my country will lose? If so, you’re the representative of the humans, let’s see your power! I won the seat of Demon King for myself through my strength as well! I might think again as well, depending on your strength.”

At Denis’ words, Cain, Seto, and Lisabeth smiled slightly, thinking ‘We did it’.

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21 thoughts on “Volume 6 Chapter 11: Demon King Talks

  1. Yep. This matter is definitely easier to settle compared to the human side. These demons literally value power above all. The surprising part is how the higher ups are actually the more respectful ones despite showing their clear dislike of the humans.

    While Cain is right in settling this matter personally and preventing the war to occur, I’d really want him to clarify and declare that the town and said persons responsible for what they did to the princess Lisabeth would actually be punished by them be given the death sentence to show that they condone such acts as humans.

    Simply bullying the demons with his power doesn’t honestly feel right. It basically just implies that he is way above them and they should submit to his desires.

    Well there is still that issue with the emperor that’s in the odinsleep or something. Once Cain heals him, it would probably make way for Lisa’s brother to step down and live leisurely like he wanted, and for Lisa to be the empress soon, making Cain’s refusal to her proposal more unlikely.


  2. La princesa demonio es un poco estúpida a mi parecer, la única mujer que me cae bien es Lula, los demás son… Molestas.


  3. Jajaja otra demostración de poder por parte de caín es ora de que Denis sienta lo que es el verdadero terror


  4. In one chapter we get both a death flag and a life flag lol. They mentioned the sick emperor, so odds are Cain will heal him. Then we have some demon kings who need a smack down. Follow up, did the author create Ilstin just to dump all over it? I mean, they are getting hammered left and right.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. His country’s princess was threatened with slavery, so they were paid a billion and gained a territory to compensate. But he is okay with bullying the Demon Country into getting nothing in compensation even though their princess was actually made a slave and was to be slain in the arena? Shouldn’t he push for negotiating with the other kingdom, like his own people did?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well… I don’t think there is no compensation? he’s there to stop an all out war dividing the sides in “ALL HUMANS” and “ALL DEMONS” after that it’s just a matter of course to find the culprit and chastise him… but that’s outside of Cains sphere of influence, he’s there just to avoid a World War… I’m sure if they were going to attack just the republic of Ilstin, Cain wouldn’t even bother meddling because it was their fault in the first place.

      The problem was that the Demons response was an all out war against ALL HUMANS without discrimination.


      1. In a previous chapter, he claims if even one human, no matter which country, is attacked, he will be forced to act.
        He isn’t even bringing up the possibility of compensation, just saying to them, suck it up and forgive that country. He could instead be saying, yes it was a horrible crime and worth confronting them over, and if negotiations breakdown, then I’m here to prevent that leading into war. Instead he is cornering them, giving them no out. Either suck it up or be destroyed.


        1. Yeeeah he himself said he was bluffing in that same chapter, it’s being said from the start to stop a world war, I still don’t think he intents to leave Ilstin be.


  6. a duel?
    is it a duel with this Dennis Demon King thing?

    slap him to his senses, Cain!
    slap him haard!!

    thank you for the chapters~
    stay safe and healthy everyone!


  7. “Thank you, I was wondering how to work a demonstration of overwhelming violence into our peaceful talks.”
    Honestly, I was expecting at least a little a couple more Demon Kings, but I guess the author went with 4 because that’s the cliche.

    Hmmm, ok. Without reading ahead, do we want to start bets on whether Cain heals the Emperor that’s currently in a coma? Seems like a pretty obvious flag.

    Liked by 1 person

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