Volume 8 Chapter 8: The Audience

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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Cain and the other two were taken down a lavish corridor by the servant.

Then, they stopped in front of a pair of outstandingly large and detailedly-decorated doors.

“I have brought the envoy from the Kingdom of Esfort.”

The doors slowly opened after the servant spoke.

The audience hall before them was a tall atrium, with gorgeous paintings on the ceiling. So much so, that one would almost instinctively let out exclamations of awe.

With the throne in front of them and the beastmen who were presumably nobles in the country lined up on either side, Cain and the others went up to, and knelt down in front of the throne, bowing their heads.

In tandem with that, the king of Kermes made his entrance, accompanied by his family.

“You may look up.”

Cain and the others raised their heads, still kneeling.

“Thank you for accepting our request for aid and coming all the way here from the Kingdom of Esfort. We will tell you the details later, but first, please recover from your long journey.”

While Cain was the highest-ranked noble among the dispatched unit, the king had forbidden him from appearing in public due to him still being a minor. It was no problem even if he used his full power if he was in danger, but during the audience, he would stand behind a representative.

“We are grateful to Your Majesty’s words of thanks. Our Kingdom of Esfort also laments this situation. We are sorry for not being able to dispatch our armies, but we have dispatched people capable of using healing magic. We may be able to assist you in saving the wounded.”

“Yes, I’ve heard. Your Kingdom is also a neighbouring country to the Baisas Empire, and you never know when the same thing might happen to you. You don’t want to provoke them into action. But, you also can’t permit our Beast Kingdom to lose the war and be invaded.”

The Beast Kingdom of Kermes was putting up a good fight against the Hero and the other two. And while they couldn’t beat the Hero and the other two, they were victorious against all other enemy units, forcing them to retreat.

However, not even the most experienced veterans could put up a fight against the Hero, Paladin, and Sage.

Many strong people had fled from them, and even some of the nobles attending had dark expressions as if they had remembered that.

The one who looked the most frustrated among them was the king of Kermes himself. While he was the strongest, with his position as king, he could not go to the front lines.

He had to stay in the castle to protect the royal capital.

Perhaps Cain’s group understood that, since they said nothing.

“But still, to think such weaklings could help… Esfort’s shown just how much they’re worth.”

A girl’s voice rang out in the silent audience hall.

The words originated from a girl standing beside the king.

“Hey, Mel. It’s not like that. Baisas and Esfort are old enemies. If they publicly sent their army, it would turn into an all-out war. And I don’t want our Kingdom to be the trigger for that. Also, we don’t have many people capable of using healing magic. Just that much should be plenty of help.”

“Father… No, Your Majesty. Our soldiers possess strong physiques. Such people will not lose. They must be using some underhanded methods. There’s no way the likes of humans could win against us beastmen!”

No matter how much Mel, the princess, was told about the Hero, she still refused to be convinced that beastmen, who excelled in physical strength, could lose to humans.

However, the one person there who had already been through all that raised his hand.

“Your Majesty, may I speak? I am Randal, the son of Gandal, the lord of the port town.”

As a tiger beastman, he had a splendid physique, and in terms of ability, he was better than most beastmen, so when he raised his hand, everyone’s gazes focused on him.

“Gandal-dono’s son, eh… It has been a long while. So then, what is it?”

Randal stepped forward at the King’s words, then looked at Cain.

“Indeed, as Princess Mel said, when compared with humans, we beastmen have stronger bodies, and won’t be overwhelmed.”

“That’s right, like that person says––”

Mel chimed in, but Randal continued speaking, interrupting her.

“However, it is also a fact that there are humans who wield power unknown to us beastmen. As the son of a lord, I have never neglected my training. No matter how many of our soldiers were to gather, I am still confident I would win. However, –– I was absolutely no match for Cain-dono. So please understand that there are people with that much power.”

The messengers from Esfort made faces that clearly said this was bad. Cain was a margrave, but he was also a minor. He had been told by the king to make sure not to stand out, as he would only be going as a healer.

However, power was everything in Kermes, and it was not customary to hide one’s power there.

That was why Randal had made an example of Cain’s power.

“…Cain-dono, you say… Who is that…?”

Since there was no way they could all be introduced to the king, he didn’t know who Cain was.

Giving up, Cain slowly stood up.

The king’s eyes widened in surprise at the fact that Cain, who was the youngest of all the people there, had stood up.

“Nice to meet you, Your Majesty. I am Cain von Silford Drintor. I am a Margrave in Esfort.”

Cain greeted them slowly but with the proper courtesy of a noble.

The king and Mel were surprised by Cain’s youth. Moreover, a tiger beastman, who were among the stronger beastmen, said he had been no match for Cain at all.

And there was no need to tell lies at this audience either.

However, another person stepped forward, supporting that statement. It was Hagnes, the envoy to Esfort.

“There is no falsehood in Randal-dono’s statement. I was told by his majesty the king of the kingdom of Esfort that Cain-dono became a margrave, a higher-ranking noble at the age of fourteen, that he is engaged to the commander of the Esfortean royal knights, her highness the princess, and a duke’s daughter, and that he is stronger than the commander of their royal knights, who is called the strongest in Esfort.”

Hagnes’ words were conclusive.

He was saying Cain was the strongest force in the Kingdom of Esfort. This young boy who had not even reached adulthood yet.

“– –However, Your Majesty. Minors are not permitted to participate in war in Esfort. Even then, he is the strongest person in Esfort, and we must be grateful to the king of Esfort for sending us Margrave Silford, who is unparalleled even in terms of magic.”

“…He’s so strong the king of Esfort said that…? He’s only the same age as Mel though.”

With Hagnes chiming in, the credibility of Randal’s statement grew.

However, there was also someone who was unconvinced by those words.

“If you say you’re so strong, then let’s see that strength!”

Mel, the princess, raised her voice wildly, pointing at Cain.

TN: this is the latest chapter of Cain so far, so I’m afraid there won’t be any chapter tomorrow

the author did leave an author’s note though, which goes as follows:

Instead of prostrating myself on the ground, it’s more like I was sleeping that way, right??
I’ve been doing a lot of things and suddenly this much time had passed.

So yea, make of that what you want (it’s not very helpful imo but idk)

I won’t be dropping the series, so if you happen to see a new chapter which hasn’t been translated yet, feel free to ping me on the discord. I’ll occasionally check the raws to see if there aren’t any new chapters as well.

As for the next series I’ll translate, it will most likely be this unless someone has a last-minute recommendation that’s better than this, cause this one has Invisible Dragon in the recommendations section, so yeah :/

I also might release an amusing oneshot I found on syosetu the other day tomorrow

Anyway that’s it from me on this novel until it’s back, and thanks for the support.

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100 thoughts on “Volume 8 Chapter 8: The Audience

    1. Most muscle brains are like that (all power to their muscles in theirs body but not their brain). xD


  1. 3 days more and it’s been one year. No news from the author? Has the story had been dropped? Not cool man, you made us interested in your story and now your quitting?


  2. Wasted of time, instead of going straight to the battlefield to cure the wounded soldiers their wasting time for a courtesy call


  3. For that idiot god’s sake I wanna see peoples reaction when they see his status and more importantly I wanna see him fight the enemy army.


  4. Happy New Year!
    The author finally release a new chapter today. I noticed you were already notified by a fellow reader. I thought the author had dropped the WN and concentrated solely on the LN.


    1. a happy new year to you too!

      The chapter’ll be up the usual time

      I really don’t know what the author is thinking, but I hope we’ll be getting chapters more often from now on


  5. Remember when u used to come to this site every day to read about cain? Those were the days back then….. will they ever return?


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