Volume 8 Chapter 9: Killing Intent

Author: 夜州 (Yashu)

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Author’s Note:

I can only say that I’m really sorry to have kept you all waiting!!!!

Perhaps due to having some of the king’s blood running in her veins, Mel’s short, golden hair was tied back behind her head, and the clothes she wore were ones suited for combat. Beastmen were already a warlike race as it was, but her father being the king might have been the reason for her fondness of fighting. And that was exactly why she was so harsh towards weaklings.

However, even with Hagnes’ explanation, she still couldn’t believe that this boy the same age as her was the strongest in a country as large as Esfort. Even if one of his fellow countrymen had vouched for him, it wasn’t like she had actually seen that power. And Mel found it rather difficult to believe that the boy in front of her was stronger than a tiger beastman, since tiger beastmen were among the strongest even in Kermes.

“Mel, you are being disrespectful towards our visitors, and thus our allies, be that even if you haven’t seen his strength with your own eyes. What’s more, even Randal said so.”

“Father! I will not believe it unless I see it with my own eyes!”

Showing his true strength was not really much of a problem for Cain. He had already shown off a part of it in his fight against Randal, after all. He hadn’t been planning on hiding his strength anyway, and if things in his vicinity ever got dangerous, he wasn’t going to hesitate to use that strength either. The fact that he had come to Kermes as a higher-rank noble who could use healing magic simply meant that he had had no need to show off his strength.

However, Mel didn’t seem like she would be convinced no matter what.

Mel was, like the king, a lion beastman. And perhaps due to that bloodline, she boasted quite a large amount of strength when compared to the other races of beastmen. Still, there were many people in the country who were stronger than her, be it out of age and experience, or simply techniques. In fact, even Randal was probably stronger than her.

“I have no problem with showing my strength. However, please don’t forget that I’m only here as a healer, and nothing else,” Cain said, feeling that the conversation would never end at this rate.

“I appreciate your kindness, Cain-dono. So, who should go up against y–”

“There is no need for that, I shall show you my strength right here and now. Only if you give me permission, Your Majesty, though, of course.”

The king nodded.

“Then we shall do it that way. Show us.”

Cain nodded –– then let out killing intent, making sure it would reach the audience.

Naturally, he made sure not to target his fellow countrymen.

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

Everyone around Cain suddenly felt like he could take their lives in a split second.

It was not the killing intent of someone who hadn’t even come of age yet.

Some of the beastmen collapsed, drooling, while others hid behind the pillars in the room, trembling.

Mel had also jumped back, her feline ears flattened against her head and her tail between her legs, trembling.

Even the king would have probably sprung backwards had he not been sitting, so he instead tried in vain to stop his legs from trembling with his hands, having broken out in a cold sweat.

“…That’s enough. We all know very well how powerful you are now.”

Cain let his killing intent disperse at the king’s words.

Everyone else relaxed now that the killing intent was gone.

However, half the people present had collapsed, unconscious.

The king sighed, then turned towards Mel, who was trying to hide behind him, still trembling.

“Mel, was that enough to convince you?” asked the king.

She didn’t answer, however, and slowly walked up to Cain instead.

Then, once she reached him –– she laid down on the ground, showing him her belly.


Cain had no idea how he was supposed to react to Mel, who was now purring at him as if in submission.

He looked around for help, but the king and the still-conscious among the beastmen all looked stunned.


Naturally, the party from Esfort was silent as well.

“…Erm, what am I supposed to…? Eeeerm…?”

Not quite knowing what to do with Mel, who was now rolling around at his feet, he decided to crouch down and stroke her stomach, as he would with a cat.

Mel purred happily as he did so.

Then, someone cleared his throat.

“––Mel… how long are you planning to do that for…?”

The slightly angry voice reverberated throughout the hall.

For beastmen, lying down and showing their stomachs was a signal of surrender and obedience.

So, the princess Mel, who had been rather antagonistic towards Cain earlier, had been telling Cain that she had submitted to him.

Although, it turned out she had lost control of herself when hit by a despair-inducing amount of killing intent for the first time in her life, and had done all that purely out of instinct.

She managed to regain her sanity at the king’s words though, and quickly leapt away from Cain.


Her face as she returned to her original position was riddled with shame and dyed bright red.

“I suppose that is only natural. Let us return to the main topic. I have no problems with your strength. As for objections… I see there are none. The delegates can discuss the details later. Our country is deeply grateful for the Kingdom of Esfort’s aid.”

Having finished saying what he wanted to say, the king left, and the party from Esfort were shown to their guest rooms by the person in charge of guests.

Cain, however, was taken to a different, luxurious-looking room by someone else. Unlike the other members of the Esfortean delegation, he was a higher-rank noble in Esfort, and so he was being treated like one.

Sitting down on the sofa in his room, he began thinking about what steps he would take next.

“I guess we’ll hold the meeting tomorrow, and then head straight to the front lines…”

While Cain would be going to the front lines, he would only be acting as a medic.

The king had forbidden him from actively participating in the war, since he was still legally a child.

And while he was permitted to use violence only for self-defense, being aware of his Status, Cain knew very well that he could have taken on the entire country on his own –– which was exactly why he couldn’t.

Then, there came a knock on his door.

TN: eyyyyyy, it’s been updated (let’s hope it won’t take another 7 months until the next chapter)

Princess number-whaterver-we’re-on: get (i wonder who’s knocking on his door)

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91 thoughts on “Volume 8 Chapter 9: Killing Intent

  1. “Not quite knowing what to do with Mel, who was now rolling around at his feet, he decided to crouch down and stroke her stomach, as he would with a cat.

    Mel purred happily as he did so.”

    New waifu incoming.


  2. Прошу прощения, но я проморгал ссылку на дискорд. Можно пожалуйста оставить её под этим комментарием?
    А теперь о истории которую прочитал до сюда:
    Иссекай вышел интересным. Хотя я не фанат гаремов и имба героев, но наблюдать за развитием истории было интересно. Да, есть банальные моменты, но без банальщины ни одна история не обходится. Большое спасибо переводчику за труд, автору низкий поклон за сюжет.


  3. O.o wait what?!
    I’m surprised and happy the story of our op margrave aint gone for good.

    Thank you for the translations~


  4. What is the name of author? Can someone tell me? I am curious. I hope a new chapter gets updated soon. I have been waiting for 6 months 😫😫.


    1. Yashu is his pen name I think.

      Seems to me he’s been updating this novel more recently.

      Shoukan Sareta Kenja Wa Isekai Wo Yuku – Saikyou Nano Wa Fuyou Zaiko No Item Deshita


  5. How about we all band together and make the rating of this novel around 4 stars for him to have to motivation to keep this going? Might work :^


    1. Yeah sure, let me get back to you, on my next life, if i recargate into a Japanese bloke.


  6. The author ain’t dead or lazy cause it seems to me he’s focusing on his other novel called “The Sage Summoned to Another World: The Cheat Items of the Unneeded Storage” and its been updates last 3 days ago (6/27/22). But I do respectfully hope he does this first tho… Btw if there’s any chad out there that could reach out to him and respectfully as he gets this going we would definitely appreciate it deep within our hearts!


  7. See you next year guy’s in 2023 i hope this Author and the translation team work and release chapter up to date


  8. It appears that we now have met all 10 of Cain’s wives. I think 10 will be Palma, but I could see it being a princess from another country that gets introduced. Hopefully we get a new chapter in the next 30 days or so.

    Wives of Cain:
    1: Teles
    2: Silk
    3: Tifana
    4: Hinata
    5: Lisa
    6: Mel?
    7: Lil?
    8: Saori?
    9: Aimi?
    10: Palma?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What the I scrolled down the comment section and found out that this updated on January… Looks like we’ll have to wait another half a year or a years if the author unexpectedly caught a disease


  9. Guessing when a female exposes her stomach, it is their way of proposing and if a male rubs her stomach or something it is their kinship way of accepting the proposal

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, according to the story and the author, when a beastmen expose their stomach to their enemies or whoever, it just means that they submit to them and surrender. Also, the author did say that she did it out of pure instinct because that’s the first time she felt extreme fear.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ehhhhh. But in every other manga and anime beastwomen ALWAYS fall in love with the strong they submit to. Factor in the fact that he even stated she NEVER felt fear like that and did it on instinct just further proves the point. It doesnt diaprove it as u implied.


    1. upon close analysis of the author’s upload schedule from the past year I have come to the conclusion that he will be soon entering a spring hibernation that will last until ~mid-july

      in all seriousness though, I have absolutely no idea when the author’s going to release the next chapter


      1. Thanks for the information, I suppose that we will have to be patient until mid-July then. How do you know for certain that he will even resume the series in mid-July?


          1. Isn’t it possible that the author may release the next chapter sooner then next summer? I guess this means that Mel is going to become his fiancé as well. Beast people respect strength more than anything and we all know how strong Cain is don’t we? I should also mention that I also wrote a long commentary where you posted Google light/dark mode, feel free to read it at your leisure.


            1. > Isn’t it possible that the author may release the next chapter sooner then next summer?

              absolutely, in fact, I really hope he does, even if it isn’t very probable


  10. I bet that those summoned heroes are cian old friend group with those sisters and that jerk of a guy .


    1. It can only be one of the sisters since it said there was only one female. My bets on saori tho since she was closer to cain


    2. If i remember correctly it said four people got summoned, two guys and two girls, so I also think its both sisters and that one jerk but its anybodys guess who the last guy is.


  11. Damn the one day i dont check. What are the odds? Does this mean i can go back to reading my favorite story every day?


  12. nice, thanks for translating it so fast 😀
    lets hope the author is able to write the next chapter faster^^


  13. why tf would you rub her belly? didn’t you learn already to NEVER.TOUCH.THE.WOMEN! or they’ll make you “TaKe ThE rEsPoNsiBiLiTy”


    1. You know, it’s worse than that. Although I’m not going to scream at him, it’s not the kind of story where you expect him to dodge the harem. But still, he *should* learn from his past!

      Harem 1&2 (Teles, Silk), he gets a pass on, because he’s only been in the world 2 years, and his education is far from complete. Sure, he *should* be more careful, but he was only 17 before dying, and would have only seen the two 5 year old girls as scared and needing some comforting. Plus, Dad should have known better what being with the two could lead too. We could wish him smarter, but, not super dumb on MC.

      Harem 3 (Tif), he also gets a pass on. He didn’t do anything to encourage her, or take action that should have lead to the results. Sure, we as the reader, know the trope that if you beat a battle junkie of the opposite sex, you should expect this, but even with his anime reading in prior life, it is a bit of a stretch. But . . . see later point.

      Harem 4 (Saint) is also a pass. A freaking Goddess was shipping him with her prior to their ever meeting. No chance. 🙂

      Harem 5 (Imperial Princess) – TBD, especially as she isn’t herself clear to Unobtanium density MC yet. We haven’t had a flashback to their actual meeting, so we don’t know how many flags were raised, and/or if he did anything to the equivalent of putting said necklace on her neck directly which we know is a red flag.

      Harem 6 (Demon Princess) – and now the fail begins. My friend, she already told you she wanted you to marry her. And then she asked you to sleep in her bed, because ‘it doesn’t matter when it’s minors.’ This is the exact issue that got you # 1 & 2. She’s already *told* you her interest. You have failed utterly to avoid it, so you deserve the extra henpeck.

      Harem 6 (Cat-Girl Princess) – EPIC FAIL. Let’s check your lessons to date. Hmmm. You know from # 3 that crushing a muscle head of the opposite sex leads to declaration of marriage. You put hands on them (warning from # 1, 2, 6), and from # 5 know that your power, which you showed just moments ago, will make you a target of allied powers that want to secure your favor. You flunk your harem avoiding protag final. You lucky sot.

      All in good fun though, we don’t read this for depth of characterization after all, just some fuzzy fun with a silly OP hero.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You forgot the worst point yet. He is 14 in middle of puberty and hasn’t done more than a kiss on the cheek and some innocent hugging. Honestly, I never met even one teenager who could keep his pants on in that situation. And I definetly do not exclude myself at that age.


      2. I disagree that his father should of known better….. his son was being asked by 2 girls ranking higher than his son could ever hope to marry. Yes he knew better….. he knew as a father not to stop hisyoungest son who cant inherit his own land to bag a princess to secure his sons future


  14. Where is the dark mode for this…..
    Can you make that happen, please?
    My eyes have been hurting for a while due to a cold, but I can’t help reading this……
    Thank you


      1. I guess this means that Mel is going to marry Cain in the next few chapters? I hope that Cain’s next adventure will finally take him to the Baisas Empire. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Princess Liltana, and I’m sure that Cain will end up with her as his fiancé as well. I’m guessing that Cain will probably go to the Empire as either an exchange student or as a member of a diplomatic party. I think that he will end up getting involved in the internal affairs of the Empire and end up helping someone else take the throne who will advocate for peace.

        Politically it makes sense for Cain to have these fiancés since a number of them come from outside the Kingdom of Esfort. Cain is going to need to have the world United when he faces off against Aaron. So being engaged (later married) to these various girls helps to unify everyone behind him. I’m not saying that the girls are marrying him for purely political reasons, I’m just pointing out the benefits of his union with them.


          1. What chapter did it mention the heroes being summoned by Baisas? Do you think that Baisas know about Aaron, is that why they wish to conquer and unify the continent? Cain is in a sense bringing the nations together by marrying the girls I mentioned before. If the Bais happens to know about Aaron then you could say that both they and Cain want to stop him it’s just that they are each going about it differently, what are your thoughts?


  15. so basically… His killing intent was so strong it turned off her sapience and briefly reverted her behavior to that of animal instinct? Jfc Cain… I forgot just how overpowered this dude was.


  16. Of course she would asked him to take responsibility. Not a spoiler. I am not an esper or time traveller(i wish I am)


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